Tuesday 16 June 2015

New start New Me

New Start, New Me

So here I am

My name is Hannah and I'm 16 years old, nice to meet you! 
This blog is going to be all about me and my lifestyle, and I hope it can help some of you out a long the way!

By the way, this is me--->

So I suppose this first post will be a bit of backstory about me, and the rest will be my journey from here. (So sorry, but this is going to be a long post :P) 

So I finished my GCSE's yesterday! While studying for my exams I let myself go a bit, had no routine etc, so from now I'm trying to change that. I'm focusing on what I love now, trying to have a healthier and happier lifestyle (this has involved getting rid of negative friends that have pulled me down) and I must say it's working already! So this blog is to keep up with my progress and to help get me into a  routine. 

My hobbies include, art, photography, modelling, beauty and dancing. 
I have been dancing since I was 4 years old and I do street dance and ballet. I met my best friend, Carys at dance, and I've never been as close to someone before, she's been a big help! I'm sure you'll be hearing a lot about her! You should check her blog out too! http://justwatchmedothis.blogspot.co.uk/
We like to work on fitness and health together, but I must say she's much better than me :P 

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